Diamond ice cream Neopolitan 8 liters is a product best
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Diamond ice cream Neopolitan 8 liters is a product best

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Diamond ice cream Neopolitan 8 liters is a product best on the market, there is only 1 product that is dominant with a lot of people every day. Diamond Neopolitan Neo Chocochip is a term for the ice cream and is on the regular list of 8 liters.

Starting from Mr. Wiranto who is currently in the position of chairman of the agent ice cream diamond central Jakarta, We joined to sell Neopolitan ice cream 8 liters. Our targets are those who will plan weddings and other big parties.

We sell the product to them to fulfill the menu dish on the way the party was served at the time. Since the beginning of the business opening, we built a blog that we made as a promotional place.

It was never thought that this strategy would lead me and the team to succeed, once 1 day got 30 transactions which were all used to fulfill the wedding party meal.

This is my journey with our team that was pioneered from 0 by utilizing rough capital and engaging others to take us on the path to success.

It is not easy to run this business, in fact, today along with the emergence of coronavirus in Indonesia, my business is in decline. In 2 months no buyer who made transactions through the blog That I built this. Maybe this is part of the ordeal it had to go through together.